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Lesson 6: Articulating the perspectives of self and other
Ton ton ton ton ton-shi waktan.
‘It hit (the trees), (apparently going) ton ton ton ton ton.’
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Culture Focus: Forest resources: cacao

Theobroma cacao, Quichua cacao
Eulodia Dagua tells the story of how the spirit of a wild cacao tree killed a man who wanted to steal its fruit. To keep this from happening the old people used to chop down the tree before harvesting its fruit. This killed the tree spirit that might avenge the taking of its fruit.
kambi ruya kwinto ‘cacao tree story’
Culture Focus: Forest Resources: bitter trees

Cespedesia spathulata (Ochnaceae); Quichua: amarun kaspi female tree (left) and male tree (right) photos by Tod Swanson
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